Our Story
At a meeting between the Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong (BPF) headed by our founder Sir David Akers-Jones and the then-candidate running for the office of Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mr C. Y. Leung, innovation and technology were identified as areas that could prevent Hong Kong from losing its competitive edge to its neighbouring regions. Consequently, members of the BPF set up a standing committee on Innovation and Technology in 2012. The committee later produced a report “Igniting Innovation”, which provided five examples showing how the course of innovation could be shaped. To maintain momentum, a one-day conference, “Tipping Point”, was held in September 2013 and attracted more than 300 enthusiastic participants. Innovation leaders from new and existing industries came together to ignite “fires” in Hong Kong. At the end of the conference, it was decided that a do-tank be set up to spread the flame of innovation.